Research Article

Breaking the Silence: Investigating the Prevalence and Key Risk Factors of Child Maltreatment among Male Working Children in a Rural Community in Bangladesh

Table 5

Predicting factors of different types of CM.

PsychologicalPhysical abuseNeglectSexual abuse
Beta valueBeta valueBeta valueBeta value

Birth order of the child
No. of child.011.002.978.010.002.976.
Marital status
 Unmarried (ref)
 No (ref)
Year of schooling-.079-.022.664.072.025.604-.157-.
Living arrangement
 Parents (ref)
 Other than parents6.762.150.0026.695.189<.0011.359.112.030.707.137.008
 Muslim (ref)
Safe feeling at home
 Always (ref)
 Not always-2.778-.080.095-3.170-.116.013.499.053.300.441.111.030
Adult at home shouting in a frightening way
 No (ref)
Witnessing adult’s physical violence
 No (ref)
Witnessing adult at home using a weapon
 No (ref)
Bullied by siblings
 No (ref)
Father’s education
 Secondary and above (ref)
Mother’s education
 Secondary and above (ref)
Adjusted squared.

: unstandardized coefficients; beta: standardized coefficients (enter method). P value is statistically significant.